Partner Projects

Core Project

CORE (sCience& human factOr for Resilient sociEty) is a multi-disciplinary consortium established to understand how to define common metrics with respect to the different natural and man-made disaster scenarios, and how to measure, control and mitigate the impact on the populations, particularly on vulnerable groups: disabled, elderly, poor, as well as women and children. It contributes to Horizon 2020’s focus on secure societies where citizens are facing increasingly threatening situations. Recent natural and manmade disasters have shown gaps in the level of preparedness of European society for disasters, highlighting the importance of increasing risk awareness, which ensures a direct positive impact on citizen and organisational resilience among people and decision-makers in Europe. CORE will identify and use best practice and knowledge/learning from certain countries, such as Japan which experienced high levels of seismic, volcanic and tsunami risks but where risk awareness is high. It will provide optimized actions and solutions to help restructure and rebuild socio-economic structures after a disaster, across and outside Europe (Israel, India & Japan), where it will have access, through the end-users, to the relevant base of knowledge. CORE will lead to more efficient and effective policies, governance structures and broad awareness and collaboration among citizens, as well as between citizens and rescue agencies. Best practice and best procedures will be identified and reported to policymakers, end-users and disseminated to all stakeholders and NGOs. CORE will devote great attention to education in schools, making the young generation a sort of "prevention sentinels"


NOTIONES (iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS) is a research project administratively coordinated by TECNALIA and scientifically-technically coordinated by Zanasi & Partners. The project is  funded by the European Commission (EC) under the Horizon 2020 programme between 2021 and 2026.

Novel technologies have presented practitioners with new opportunities to improve the intelligence process, but have also created new challenges and threats. Consequently, the timely identification of emerging technologies and analysis of their potential impact, not only on the intelligence community but also on terrorist or criminal organisations, is crucial.

However, time constraints can prevent intelligence practitioners from being updated on the most recent technologies.

In order to address this challenge NOTIONES will establish a network, connecting researchers and industries with the intelligence community. This network will facilitate exchange on new and emerging technologies but also equip solution providers with insights on the corresponding needs and requirements of practitioners. The so gained findings will be disseminated in periodic reports containing technologic roadmaps and recommendations for future research projects and development activities.

Horizon Europe

Project Perivallon. Tackling environmental Crime. 

Start 1st December 2022 - Nov 2025

PERIVALLON aims to provide an improved and comprehensive intelligence picture of organised environmental crime and develop effective and efficient tools and solutions for detecting and preventing such types of criminal activities and for assessing their environmental impact based on geospatial intelligence, remote sensing, scanning, online monitoring, analysis, correlation, risk assessment, and predictive analytics technologies, by leveraging the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the fields of computer vision and multimodal analytics. As a result, enhanced investigation processes and methodologies will be derived through the capabilities provided by the developed tools and solutions, and the insights obtained though the proposed Environmental Crime Observatory. The capacity of end users (including Police Authorities and Border Guards) will also be improved and will enable them to tackle such criminal activities in an effective manner based on advanced tools and solutions and also on the innovative training curricula developed using physical and/or digital twins of relevant environmental crime scenarios. Moreover, improved international cooperation will be facilitated through improved data sharing enabled by blockchain technologies, while improved regulation shaping and tuning will be supported through relevant policy recommendations. PERIVALLON will be validated in field tests and demonstrations in four operational use cases. Extensive training, hands-on experience, joint exercises, and training material will boost the uptake of PERIVALLON tools and technologies. With a Consortium 5 Police and Border Guard Authorities, 3 authorities related to environmental protection, 6 Research/Academic institutions, 8 industry partners (including seven SMEs), one EU Agency, and one Foundation, PERIVALLON delivers a strong representation of the challenges, requirements and tools to meet its objectives.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Horizon Europe Jan 2023 - Feb 2026

Increasing evidence shows that disinformation spreading has non-negligible impact on our society at individual and
collective levels. From public health to climate change, it is of paramount importance to timely identify emerging
disinformation signals such as content from known unreliable sources and new narratives, especially from online
social media, to provide media professionals and policy makers with trustworthy elements to extinguish disinformation outbreaks before they run out of control. However, monitoring and analysing large volumes of online content is well beyond the capacity of human ability only. In fact, regardless of the socio-psychological and behavioral reasons behind information forging, the rate at which disinformation is produced is much larger than the rate at which it can be analysed and its effects adequately mitigated.

AI4TRUST will provide a hybrid system, where machines cooperate with humans, relying on advanced AI solutions
against advanced disinformation techniques to support media professionals and policy makers. Our system will monitor,in nearly real time, multiple online social platforms, filtering out social noise and analysing multimodal (text, audio,visual) content in multiple languages (up to 70% of coverage in EU) with novel AI algorithms, while cooperating in an automated way with an international network of human fact-checkers who will be periodically triggered and who willfrequently provide validated data to update our algorithms. The resulting quantitative indicators, including infodemicrisk, will be inspected under the lens of social and computational social sciences, to build the trustworthy elements required by media professionals to create customisable and reliable data reports.
We expect that the AI4TRUST’s system, based on a human-centred approach to technology development that is
aligned with European social and ethical values, will be integrated in the standard toolbox of data analysts working on disinformation.