TATE TCO Cluster




TCO Cluster consists of the sibling projects of the TATE project funded under the same call [ISF-2021-AG-TCO] are FRISCO and ALLIES.

All projects aim to support deliver the TCO reguations and work collaboratvely to maximise the funding impact for the benefit of all of Europe.

In the context of mapping Hosting Service Providers (HSPs) needs and informing the community about the EU Terrorist Content Online (TCO) Regulation, a survey was launched across Europe so as to gather the experiences and needs of the HSPs in relation to the TCO Regulation.

The questionnaire was created following interviews which were conducted by the partners with small and very small HSPs per country. After the interviews were completed, the responses were collected and the questionnaire was finalised.

The questionnaire was distributed to 12.000+ HSPs across European countries aiming to:
1. Inform about the Regulation and their obligations as HSPSs
2. Collect data on their awareness of the existence of the TCO Regulation
3. Find out the ways they potentially use already to block terrorist content online
4. Expression of interest in participating in the FRISCO project activities

Based on the above results, a tool for the immediate removal of TCO will be created and a trainings and webinars will be organised to inform HSPs on its use.

ALLIES general objectives

  • Increase awareness among micro and small HSPs for the TCO Regulation and its requirements
  • Develop AI-based tools for the effective detection and removal of TCO, increasing the capacity of HSPs to comply with the TCO Regulation
  • Train HSPs on TCO Regulation content and the use of the developed AI-based tools
  • Create a safe online environment for experience sharing and reporting
    among HSPs

FRISCO general objectives

  • Inform HSPs and increase their awareness of the Terrorist Content Online Regulation as well as their new obligations.
  • Develop and validate tools, frameworks and mechanisms to support HSPs in the implementation of the TCO Regulation.
  • Share experience, best practices and tools to support the implementation of the Regulation.

We kindly acknowledge and thank the consortiums from both FRISCO and ALLIES projects.The content from this webpage consists of contributions from their project websites and publications. By collaborating we aim to provide a consistent and coordinated communication platform across all three sibling projects.